
We always extend a warm welcome to anyone who is interested on visiting us. This site provides all the information for visitors to get to our Main Campus in Skudai and our branch at Kuala Lumpur City Campus . See also the campus maps .

There are also instructions on how to get here from the Sultan Ismail International Airport Johor Bahru , capital city of the State of Johor. If you are driving from the North, you can get to UTM via the PLUS Highway .

Moving within the campus can be a confusing and frustrating thing if you do not know your way around. UTM provides free campus bus services, the schedule can be accessed here . There are a few choices of Guest Houses in UTM to stay, the information regarding the charges, locations and contact number of the houses can be found here .

For corporate visitors, please browse through our Business & Industry section for more details on what you can get from us and contribute to UTM.