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Programme of Study

The Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) is offered either on a full-time or part-time basis. The full-time programme is the main programme, offered by the Faculty while the part-time programme is offered by the School of Professional and Continuing Education (SPACE).  The full-time programme is offered only at the UTM Main Campus in Skudai while the part-time programme is offered at various centres  throughout Malaysia.  The duration of study for the full-time programme is subjected to the student’s entry qualifications and lasts between four (4) years to a maximum of six (6) years. Further information on the part-time programme is available at

The complete Programme of Study is available Here


Curriculum and Syllabus

Civil engineering covers a wide area of study. In general, civil engineering deals with the design, construction and maintenance of the physical and natural built environment including works such as bridges, roads, canals, dams and buildings. It also includes water resources management, water works, waste management, and environmental pollution control for use and benefit of mankind.

The complete Curriculum and Syllabus is available Here