Rapid changes that take place in the world today, along with increasing urbanisation and industrialisation culminated in environmental problems.  Engineers and other professionals are continually facing the daunting task of managing water resources, waste and wastewater issues.

Recognizing the need for education and training of personnel that can handle such problems efficiently, the Water and Environmental Engineering Department was set up in 1976.  It aims to train students to become leaders in civil engineering with environment and sustainability concerns in mind. The department has developed and promoted forward-looking academic research and internationalisation by having academic staff and research fellow from overseas, as well as establishing joint-research efforts with foreign institutions. The expansion within the last four years has increased the strength of the department to 40 academic staffs.

The department has been progressively reforming its curriculum to include emerging technologies and their applications in environmental engineering. Along with the Faculty, the department has introduced many courses to be chosen as elective courses in the senior years, towards producing graduates with various levels expertise with a specialised background.


Besides teaching, the department is also highly dynamic in research and consultancy especially in the field of water resources, hydraulics and hydrology, water quality management, water and wastewater treatment, and waste management. The department trains students to become research professionals, well-versed in the latest technologies, in tandem with the Faculty’s motto to be Always Ahead. The well-qualified academic staff and the ever-improving environmental laboratory have been the backbone of the department’s success in attracting both local and foreign undergraduate and post-graduate students.




Department Of Water And Environmental Engineering,
Faculty of Civil Engineering,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,
UTM Skudai, 81310 Johor,

Tel: +6075531506
Fax: +6075566157

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