
Contact Us

Faculty of Civil Engineering

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
81310 Johor Bahru
Tel: (+607)-553-1581

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The Best Civil Engineering Program in Malaysia

We encourage students to explore cutting-edge technologies and sustainable practices, inspiring ingenious solutions to complex challenges. With creativity at the core, they pave the way for a future where progress is driven by inventive ideas and forward-thinking approaches.

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Discover a nurturing environment

Innovative Learning Facilities

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Engineering Labs

Fully equipped laboratories to conduct hands-on experiments and simulations in various engineering disciplines.

Research Hub

A collaborative space fostering innovative research projects and encouraging academic exploration.

Innovation Space

An area dedicated to nurturing creativity and brainstorming groundbreaking ideas for our students.

Materials Lab

Laboratories for analyzing and testing different construction materials used in civil engineering projects.

Computer Lab

Equipped with latest computers and software tailored for engineering analysis, simulations, and drafting.

Learning Spaces

Versatile environments designed to optimize learning, discussions, and academic interactions.
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Faculty of Civil Engineering, UTM. 
The Best Civil Engineering Program in Malaysia. 
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Elevating Your Learning Experience

Our best faculty has consistently nurtured world-class students who stand at the forefront of innovation. They have harnessed cutting-edge technologies and creative problem-solving to design remarkable structures that shape our world. Together, they form a dynamic partnership, driving progress and setting new standards in the field. Let us applaud these outstanding educators and students, who are building a future that inspires and amazes us all.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Suhaimi Abu Bakar

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Part of our Industry Network

Industrial Partners

Thriving industrial partnership with our faculty to fostering innovation and collaborative research for mutual growth and impactful solutions.

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Student Testimonial

Be a part of this World Class program

Incredible journey in civil engineering program, embracing innovation, real-world projects, and supportive community. Prepared for a promising career.

– Tanvir Ahmed (2020)

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Visit to FSRG, EEX Malaysia

Visit to FSRG, EEX Malaysia

We visited the Fire Science Research Group (FSRG) at EEX Malaysia, Klang, Selangor for a Research and Industry Collaboration network meeting on 15 February 2024. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Safuan, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mariyana Aida and Ts. Dr. Faridahanim represented us and...

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