11th Asia Pacific Structural Engineering & Construction Conference
“Bridging Innovation and Sustainability for Tomorrow’s Infrastructure”
Call for extended abstract!
APSEC 2025 Conference highlights a wide range of issues to enhance knowledge, increase awareness and new ideas for solving problems in structures and construction. Therefore, papers are invited to address any of the followingkey topics (but not limited to):
Industrialised Building System
Structural Analysis and Design
Construction Management
Engineering Education and Training
Disaster Mitigation
Innovative Construction Materials
Safety and Reliability
IT Construction
Non-destructive Test (NDT)
Innovative Structures
Sustainable Construction and Building
Material Behaviour
Structural Health Monitoring
Forensic Engineering
Transportation Infrastructure
Construction and Environmental Issues
Soil-structures Interaction
Composite Structures
Earthquake Engineering
Water Resources Infrastructure
Important Date

Proceeding and Publication
Conference Fees

Technical Insight Series

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Roslli Noor Mohamed

Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Mohammadreza Vafaei