Updated : 21/04/2016

  1. Determonation Of Calibration Constants For In-Situ Stress Measurement In Concrete Structures : Ahmad Mohd Kamal Abood
  2. Geometric Parametric Study On Concrete Beam Bride : Nge Siew Boon
  3. Non – Linear Finite Element Analysis Of Ring Beam * Effect Of Supports : Tham Chee Meng
  4. Prestasi Sambungan Pada Paksi Major Menggunakan Keratan Keluli Tempatan : Md Azman Hj Hussin
  5. Stress Analysis Of Cylindrical Axismmetric Water Tanks : Saw Han Woei
  6. The block properties and structural behaviour of loadbearing interlocking hollow cement block systems manufactured using mobile block machine : Roslan Kolop