This site contains undergraduate and postgraduate digital theses from Faculty of Civil Engineering (FKA), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. There are many of quality research works and experimental studies in the related major area of civil engineering such as structural and materials, construction and management, geotechnics and transportation, hydraulics and hydrology, environmental engineering and information technology. The introduction of electronic theses is to enable the theses submitted to faculty to be freely accessible via online.
All of our publications are only for viewing (subjected to restrictions imposed by the author). Reproduction or distribution of documents in any format is prohibited. This site does not represent overall research projects in FKA, instead thousand the hardbound copy can be found in our resource center. Contact our FKA library for more details.
**tips: This site is based on manual searching – finding particular words/phrases could be made by: 1- using the search bar on top of this page to find pages consisting of those words/phrases, and 2- using search bar of your internet browser (press F3 or Ctrl+F) to highlight the words/phrases