Mohd Firdaus b Md Dan @ Azlan (2016)
Physical Classifications and Engineering Characteristics of In Situ Boulders in Tropically Weathered Granite (pdf link)
Physical Classifications and Engineering Characteristics of In Situ Boulders in Tropically Weathered Granite (pdf link)
Physical and Numerical Modelling of Bottom Ash Columns Installed in Soft Soil (pdf link)
Pile-soil Interaction Effects on Low Strain Pile Integrity Test (pdf link)
Microbial Induced Calcite Precipitation Treatment on Tropical Residual Soil (pdf link)
Physico-chemical and Microstructure of Artificial Soils Stabilised with Lime-zeolite (pdf link)
Influence of Axially Loaded Shaped Pile on Geotechnical Capacity (pdf link)