Nor Zaiha Binti Arman (2017)
The Potential Use of Local Index of Biological Integrity for Tropical River Assessment (pdf link)
The Potential Use of Local Index of Biological Integrity for Tropical River Assessment (pdf link)
Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal from Domestic Wastewater by Alternating Aerobic-Anoxic Process (pdf link)
Biogranular Sludge for Rubber Processing Wastewater in a Sequencing Batch Reactor (pdf link)
Durability and Leachability of Concrete Containing Coal Bottom Ash and Fly Ash (pdf link)
Aerobic Granular Sludge from Different Cycle Time for Livestock Wastewater Treatment (pdf link)
Properties of Pervious Concrete Incorporating Oil Palm Kernel and Cockle Shells (pdf link)