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Faculty of Civil Engineering

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
81310 Johor Bahru
Tel: (+607)-553-1581


Emergency Response Plan is a systematic plan that should be taken by the Emergency Response Team when an emergency occurs. The purpose of the emergency response plan is to assist management in preparing for emergency situations. When an emergency occurs, the Commander of the Emergency Response Team can refer to the emergency action plan for further actions to address the emergency situation in the workplace.


The objective of this Emergency Response Plan is to reduce the causes of emergencies. Additionally, it aims to control or limit any destruction. However, the primary objective of the Emergency Response Plan is to save lives. Therefore, certain priorities need to be given, namely:

  1. Life safety – in situations involving many victims and significant injuries, and when rescue resources are limited, priority should be given to emergency medical services.
  2. Rescuer safety – rescuers should not put themselves in risky situations.
  3. Safeguarding property – the assets, property, and reputation of the University.
  4. Ensuring the safety of the public and the environment.


The management of emergency actions to address any potential emergencies that may occur at this university has not been previously planned and established. Therefore, in recognition of its importance and in accordance with the requirements of the KKP Act (Act 514), the OSH FKA has established a Faculty-level Emergency Action Committee. Among the roles of this committee is to formulate and develop an emergency action management system to facilitate and streamline actions during emergency situations. Additionally, this committee will also prepare and conduct related programs, such as training, and so on. The committee is composed of personnel from various departments and units based on the facilities or functions they manage. These include the Safety Division, the Building Office, the Office of Student Affairs & Alumni, the Legal Affairs Division, the Treasury Department, and others. Furthermore, individuals with specific expertise are also given the opportunity to join this committee. All departments, units, and individuals involved are placed under one team called the FKA Emergency Response Team, led by an Incident Commander. Among the functions of this team are to facilitate and streamline emergency management involving three emergency phases, namely:

Phase One: before the emergency occurs – planning and preparation for dealing with emergencies.

Phase Two: during the emergency – immediate response to control the situation.

Phase Three: after the emergency – recovery and cleanup efforts.

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