Dear Professor/Dr./Mr./Mdm and Students,

It is our pleasure to announce that Centre of Tropical Geoengineering (GEOTROPIK), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia will organize an academic talk entitled “BEYOND THE SURFACE: GEOPHYSICS APPLICATION IN CIVIL ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES”. Therefore, you are cordially invited to join our talk (Hybrid Session) on the respective date and time as follows:

Date: 16th AUGUST 2023 (Wednesday)
Time: 2.30pm-4.30pm
Venue (Physical Participation) : Bilik Mesyuarat Geotropik
Online Participation: https://utm.webex.com/utm/j.php?MTID=mcd0b6b241852e6094baf1a7078b5a5fa
Your support towards the success of the programme is very much appreciated. Should you have any enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Staff/Student attendance will be recorded in UTMSmile for CPD points.